3:44:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Inter-Unit Activity

To all Red Cross Cadets,

Please be informed that there will be an Inter-Unit Activity next Thursday, 10 November 2011 from 0830hrs to 1300hrs. We will be visiting the Red Cross Home for the Disabled.

Attendance is compulsory for all unless with a valid reason. If you are unable to attend, please do inform Ms Tracy or Alvin Sir personally. Please be punctual and report at 1E3 classroom.

*Note: For girls, please remember to bun up your hair.

Attire : Mufti

Day I/C : SGT Nurul Fatin Syazwani and LCP Choo Qian Wei

Things to Bring :

1) 1.5 Litre Coke Bottle
2) $4.50 to be paid to Sherhui

LCP Tan Min Zhen Rebecca
(Media & Publicity I/C)


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