6:02:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Museum Visit

To all Red Cross Cadets,
Please be informed that there will be a visit to Museum on this upcoming Friday, 23 April 2010. Report at the school foyer.

*Training is cancelled.

Attire: Mufti
Reporting Time: 1.15pm Sharp

Thing to bring:
1) Water bottle

LCP Teng Jin Li
(Asst. Vice-Chairperson, Administration)
on behalf of
SGT Cheow Kwan Wai


12:15:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce your results for your core-subject allocation. If you wish to appeal, please send me an email not later than 2200hrs today or it will not be considered.




11:45:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Write-Up by Best Female Camper for HYRC Training Camp '10

My first Red Cross Youth camp has been the best camp that I have ever attended, apart from my adventure learning camp. Honestly, I was not really eager to attend the camp as that would mean waking up early and having late nights. I felt lonely in the first day of camp as my friend had a high fever and was unable to attend the camp. But I started warming up to my seniors. They were very friendly towards me and they made me forget about my lonliness. I enjoyed all the activities lined up for us and I did not mind the early mornings and late nights we had. During the camp, it was my first time playing "Butterhill". It was the activity that I enjoyed the most throughout the camp.

The barbeque was the first ever I had in school and it was enjoyable. Jin Li, my mentor played with me and Fitri danced with me. I have learnt many things during the lessons and trainigns taught by my lovely seniors. We also had night-walk where I was being disturbed by Jin Li and Hong En, I fell down a few times but it was all worth it. I had lots of fun, I did not regret one bit for joining Red Cross as my CCA even though I know that it is a very strict CCA and I will have to discipline myself.

Written By:
PTE Nurul Huda Bte Rashid


2:20:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Training Notice

To all Red Cross Cadets,
Please be informed that there is no training on 16 April 2010. Training will resume from 23 April 2010 from 1400hrs-1730hrs. Attendance is compulsory for all. Please be punctual for the training and report at the parade square. (Day I/Cs are to print out the training plans.)

Attire: Full Red Cross Uniform

Day I/C: LCP Syairah

Things to bring:
1) 1.5 litre Coke Bottle
2) HYRC Training Syllabus File

LCP Teng Jin Li
(Asst. Vice-Chairperson, Administration)
on behalf of
SGT Cheow Kwan Wai


9:20:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

POP Notice

To all red cross cadets,
Please be informed that there is Passing Out Parade on this upcoming Friday, 9 April 2010 from 1400hrs-1730hrs. Attendance is compulsary for all. Please be punctual for the POP and report at the parade square by 1.55pm.

*Sec 1s cadets are required to wear mufti.

Attire: Full Red Cross Uniform

Thing to bring:
1) 1.5litre Coke Bottle

LCP Teng Jin Li
(Asst. Vice-Chairperson, Administration)
on behalf of
SGT Cheow Kwan Wai


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