2:27:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Training Notice

To all Red Cross Cadets,

Please be informed that there is training on the next Saturday, 26 November 2011 from 0830hrs to 1700hrs.
Attendance is compulsory for all, except for UIP participants. Please be punctual and report at the parade square at 0812hrs.

*Note : If you are unable to attend, please do inform Alvin Sir 5 days before the actual day.

Attire : Full Red Cross Uniform

Day I/C : SGT Nurul Huda Bte Rashid

Things to Bring :

1) 1.5 Litre Coke Bottle
2) Mufti
3) Red Cross Syllabus File

LCP Tan Min Zhen Rebecca
(Media & Publicity I/C)


3:44:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Inter-Unit Activity

To all Red Cross Cadets,

Please be informed that there will be an Inter-Unit Activity next Thursday, 10 November 2011 from 0830hrs to 1300hrs. We will be visiting the Red Cross Home for the Disabled.

Attendance is compulsory for all unless with a valid reason. If you are unable to attend, please do inform Ms Tracy or Alvin Sir personally. Please be punctual and report at 1E3 classroom.

*Note: For girls, please remember to bun up your hair.

Attire : Mufti

Day I/C : SGT Nurul Fatin Syazwani and LCP Choo Qian Wei

Things to Bring :

1) 1.5 Litre Coke Bottle
2) $4.50 to be paid to Sherhui

LCP Tan Min Zhen Rebecca
(Media & Publicity I/C)


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