12:38:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Training Notice

To all Red Cross Cadets,

Please be informed that there is training on upcoming Thursday, 23 December 2010 from 0900hrs-1700hrs.
Attendance is compulsory for all. Please be punctual for the training and report at the parade square.

Attire: Mufti

Day I/C: LCP Nurul Huda

Things to brings:
1) 1.5 litre Coke Bottle
2) Red Cross Syllabus File

Please take note that there will be training on the 30th and 31st of December 2010 from 0900hrs-1700hrs too.

Day I/C [30th Dec] : CPL Goh Wei Shu
Day I/C [31st Dec] : SGT Yeo Bo Jun
Things to Bring :
1) 1.5 L Water Bottle
2) Red Cross Syllabus file

LCP Hannah Cheuk Jia Yun
(Media & Publicity I/C)


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