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Unit Instructor Programme 2008
Writeup By: CPL Foo Chek Jun

Unit Instructor Programme (UIP) was held on the 13th of December-14th December 2008 for a span of 2 Days 1 Night. Alongside with three contact sessions previously, the aim of this programme is to develop and inculcate the values our present batch of cadets can provide and to seek out potential merits as unit instructors to be. For the three contact sessions which lasted for every alternate three weeks, they were undeniably an eye-opener for many cadets as they were split into the three main specialisations, namely 'Footdrill Specialisation' , 'Casualty Evacuation' specialisation and last but not least 'Outdoor Activities' specialisation.

Within these three contact sessions, cadets mustered the knowledge of proficiency in lesson presentations, abilities to tackle lesson plans and not to forget, recap their basics on each specialisation and also to keep track with excessive expertise. Beyond any doubt, Huayi Secondary School's nine secondary two cadets were also actively involved in this programme with motivation and stimulation. Originally, we were rattled by the difference for learning in terms of the method of instructions and our operandi in bringing our lessons across to populous cadets, instructors and mentors alike.

However, the accomodating and cordial instructors genially guided us along and were unhesitant to recapitualate and revised the syllabus we covered. After a thorough introduction into the basics and the means of lesson plans, the ingenuity was imparted. Lesson presentations were preposterously intimidating for first-timers as many of us may not have the opportunity to rehash our speech clarities or to impose upon our fellow juniors reinforced deliveries back in the unit. Given the chance to practice and present fundamentally, cadets likewise improved expeditiously and got into the routine; unwavered.

The contact sessions were the stepping stone as a firm platform for cadets to excel and shine as future unit instructors. On the first day of camp, cadets readied themselves over the campfire preparation which took us almost the entire day. Anticipatedly required, cadets of each specialisation were supposed to bond and plan their individual campfire items to present to the mass cohort of UIP. 'Footdrill' specialisation came up with a fancydrill item, 'Casualty Evacualtion' with a mass dance while the 'Outdoor Activities' were the organisers of the campfire. After familiarisation, cadets were ardent for the vetting. Finally, the moment of grandstand. Campfire was a major success and one and all were unequivocally engaged and in soaring spirits. On the second day, it was factually a fervid one. In line with the hectic schedule were two massive events, the 'Disaster Preparedness Exercise' and the 'Pass Out Parade'.

In the former exercise planned by the 'Casualty Rvacuation' specialisation, cadets from all specialisations were enmeshed either as casualties, rescue team I/Cs, traige I/C, base I/C ;etc. The aim of the exercise was to prepare cadets to have the basic foundation in an emergency which in this case was a bombing attack. Armed with the fervent passion as a first-aider to evacuate and provide immediate first aid treatment with a placate and contemplative attitude, the exercise brought jitters as we were not habitually predisposed in such dire states and forebore was not quenched. With hollers and moans of pain in absurdity, casualties swarmed into the base in a fleet. Cadets were literally assessed on their agility,quick-wittedness and their tackles amidst such predicament. Eventually when the operation was said to be ceased, cadets were shaken but their stagnant perseverance was undeterred. Good job!
For the 'Pass Out Parade', the 'Footdrill' specialisation was the chaperon to lead the rest for a smooth-sailing parade. With a rapid equivalence, cadets soon got accustomed to the rationale and started performing to their best potential. Though it was arduous standing under the hot sun, cadets did not utter grievance and proceeded with the procedures swiftly. When the end product was overseen, it was a morally immaculate shot to be reckoned with. With not a hinge of flamboyance, cadets were offically declared to be certified unit instructors. It was a moment of recognition for past efforts.

Huayi Secondary School's cadets were brought forth with exemplary conduct and overwhelmingly satisfying performance as out of the nine cadets that attended this programme, six were conferred the certificate of participation and only 3 attained the certificate of attendance. That makes it 67% out of 100% in participation rate. The results were indeed impressively pleasurable. Way to go! In spite of the laudable results, Huayi's cadets will always be down-to-earth and humble, awaiting for more challenges ahead to overcome. UIP 2008 was the pioneer programme for budding unit instructors that left a wondrous imprint for future cadets to follow. All in all, it was an inexorable success and Huayi Secondary School was definitely honoured to be involved. :)


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