2:11:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Below are the camp pack list for the Footdrill competition precamp on 15th Feb:
- Red Cross T-shirt x 2
- Undergarments (no bright or dark colours) (sufficent)
- Towel x 1
- Toiletries (Shower Foam,Shampoo,Tooth Brush,Tooth Paste,Toilet Paper,Comb )
- 1.5 litre coke bottle (water filled to the brim) x 1
- Red Cross full-uniform (Beret,Boots,Red Cross Uniform,Hairnets,Socks)
- Gloves
- Dark shorts x 1
- Track Pants x 1
- Sleeping Bag x 1
- Slippers x 1
- Rag x1
- Plastic Peg x1
- Cloth x1
- Solid Kiwi x1
- Hairdryer x 1

Opitional Items:
- Wind Breaker x1
- Medication (if necessary)
* Cadets are suppose to iron their uniform before they come
*Things to take note of:
1)The socks should be white in colour
2)The beret should be season
3)The badges should not touch another badges
4)The boots shoulf be polish
5)Remember to adjust your belt as what alvin sir says


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