7:24:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Training Notice

To all Red Cross Cadets,

Please be informed that there is training on upcoming Friday, 16 September 2011 from 1400hrs to 1730hrs.

Attendance is compulsory for all. Please be punctual and report at the parade square.

Attire : Mufti

Day I/C : SGT Nurul Huda Bte Rashid

Things to Bring :

1) 1.5 Litre Coke Bottle
2) Red Cross Syllabus File

SGT Hannah Cheuk Jia Yun
(Media & Publicity I/C)


5:17:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

FDC Write up by LCP Miki Seah

This time round for the Footdrill Competition, we did not get first-runner up or champion. This was a very depressing news for me as I know that it means that the tremendous amount of effort that the seniors had put in the past three years was in vain. But nevertheless the competition was a good experience for me.

Before the list for the competition team was released, I was very nervous as I am afraid that we will not be able to enter the competition. But after I know that I am in the main squad, life is even more miserable for me as I am always afraid that I would get kick out of the squad if I do not do well. 

It is pretty tough during the trainings and I would sometimes want to give up, but thinking back, I had done so much to get into this competition and had done even more to be kept in the main squad, is it worth it to just quit halfway? No, its not. So, having this thought in mind, I persevered and tried to outdo myself.

During the competition, I knew that I had made a lot of mistakes and was guiltily wondering whether it was me who had pull the squad down. Well, but then it was already over and it was meaningless trying to blame myself. I could only tell myself that if next year I managed to get into the main squad, I must definitely not make the same mistakes again and be the best!  :)

Written by,
LCP Miki Seah 


11:20:00 PM redcross@hyss 0 Comments

Flag Day 2011

To all Red Cross Cadets,

Please be informed that there will be Flag Day on upcoming Wednesday, 7 September 2011 from 0700hrs to 1530hrs.

Attendance is compulsory for all. Please be punctual and assemble at the canteen.

*Note: All cadets are to bring their Flag card and the money on Wednesday. Please hand it in to Ms Tracy. Ms Tracy will be in the canteen.

Attire : Mufti

Things to Bring :

1) Water Bottle
2) Flag Card

SGT Hannah Cheuk Jia Yun
(Media & Publicity I/C)


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